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Crystal White Flint Custom Girazi Bhodhoro 750 ML Zveumbozha Doro Nemweya

  • Product Number EKCC-008
  • MOQ 10000 Zvimedu
  • Price Zvichienderana nehuwandu hwehurongwa
  • Huremu&Kugona&Saizi 1300g/750ML/117*117*221mm
  • Delivery Nguva mukati memazuva makumi matatu mushure mekugamuchira prepayment
  • Decoration Embossing, Frosting, Painting, Screen Printing
  • Material Super Flint Glass/Highly Flint Glass/Ordinary Glass
  • Packaging Details 20GP/7290 PCS nemapallet&7290 PCS neCarton; 40HC/16200 PCS nemapallet&18279 PCS neCarton.

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