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Regional advantages of glass bottles


Regional advantages of glass bottles

Advantages of glass packaging materials:

1. Glass bottles can be used repeatedly to reduce packaging costs;

2. Glass can be easily changed in color and transparency;

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3. The glass material has good barrier performance, can well prevent the invasion of oxygen and other gases in the interior, and can prevent the volatile components of the interior from volatilizing to the atmosphere;

4. The glass bottle is safe and hygienic, with good corrosion resistance and acid resistance, suitable for the packaging of acidic substances (such as vegetable juice drinks, etc.).

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Glass bottles are the main packaging containers for food, medicine and chemical industries. They have good chemical stability; Easy to seal, good air tightness, transparent, can be observed from the outside of the dressing; Good storage performance; Smooth surface, easy to disinfect and sterilize; Beautiful shape, rich and colorful decoration; Has certain mechanical strength, can withstand the pressure in the bottle and the external force in the transportation process; Wide distribution of raw materials, low price and other advantages.

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Its disadvantage is large mass (mass to capacity ratio), brittle, fragile. However, in recent years, with the new technology of thin-walled lightweight and physical and chemical toughening, these shortcomings have been significantly improved, so that glass bottles can be in the fierce competition with plastic, iron cans, production increases year by year.

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